Unwind Your Mind 2021
The Unwind your Mind Campaign takes place throughout the month of October and encourages the public to showcase a range of ways to relax and unwind their minds. In the past year, we have endured lots of difficulties and uncertainties collectively as a society and personally in our lives, with Covid-19 being one of the biggest stressors.
That endurance can be hard and stressful, therefore we need to unwind now and then to keep ourselves going. OCDAHK’s Unwind your Mind promotes the reassurance that stress-relieving activities are within our reach and have tremendous benefits as it activates the relaxation response in our nervous system.
Participants of the campaign take photos of the ways they unwind their mind(i.e. yoga, exercise, reading, music, hanging out friends), and share them on social media by tagging us on Facebook @ocdanxietyhk | Instagram @ocdahk| Twitter @OCDANXIETYHK and with the hashtag #unwindyourmindhk. This also enables the community to understand the power of simple activities that can bring peace and comfort to the mind.